The distance from Cat Ba to Hanoi is 170 Km, travel time is 3.5 hours/ each way
Regular travel schedule Hanoi to Halong Bay: Bus pick up from Hanoi - 5B High Way - Halong Bay (drop off at Tuan Chau Harbor or Halong Habor)
Regular travel schedule from Halong Bay to Hanoi: Bus pick up from Habor - 5B High Way - Hanoi (drop off at hotels in Hanoi Old Quater)
Departure time from Hanoi: | Arrival time at Halong Bay: |
8h30 | 11h00 |
Departure time from Halong Bay: | Arrival time at Hanoi: |
12h00 | 14h30 |
Distance from Hanoi to Halong Bay: 170 KM/ way
Travel duration: 2,5 hour/ each way
Departure: Daily
Free pick up/Dropoff at Hotel in Hanoi Old Quater, Tuan Chau Harbor, Halong Harbor
A bottle water/ person on the bus
English Speaking tour guide during the trip.
Wifi Access is avaiable on the bus